INL Resilience Optimization Center
About Us

INL ROC partners with public and private entities, other national laboratories, and academia to address our Nation’s infrastructure challenges. These partnerships offer a unique perspective on enhancing systems resilience and risk management.
Why Use Us?

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to resiliency. National resilience requires asset owners to be deliberate in their awareness and decision-making: understanding the resilience of the infrastructure within their direct control, and conscious of their dependence on infrastructure out of their control.
Resilience planning should be scaled and bound to an asset owner’s finite resources (time, budget, and staffing) as well as their operations criticality and risk profile. INL ROC tailors its research and analysis to individual challenges, providing optimized recommendations for solutions that align to the core mission and definition of success outlined by the organization.
Some of our Team
Paul Titus
Justin Welch
Operations Director
Kunal Thaker
Senior Resilient Energy
Systems Manager
Tim Klett
Infrastructure Analysis Manager
Celia Porod
Strategic Planner,
Critical Infrastructure Analysis
Ollie Gagnon
Chief Strategist and
Relationship Manager
Erin Searcy
Director, Strategic Planning and Transformation
Svetlana (Lana) Lawrence
Department Manager, Risk Phenomena Modeling
Wayne Austed
Program Manager
Steve Aumeier
Sr. Advisor, Strategic Programs
Shannon Bragg-Sitton
Division Director, Integrated Energy and Storage Systems
Jake Gentle
Program Manager
Cheyenne Odenthal
INL ROC Administrative Coordinator
Ryan Hruska
Senior Infrastructure
Interdependency Scientist
Ruby Nguyen
Senior Value Chain Resilience
Emmanuel Ohene Opare
Senior Systems and Reliability Engineer
Seth Snyder
Director, Clean Energy &
James Case
Manager, Systems Analysis &
Success Stories
Arizona Strategic Enterprise Technology (ASET) Office
“This project is a repeatable methodology that was a benefit to us and that I believe will benefit many more States.”
Manager of Emergency Management and Safety, City of Henderson, NV
“We hope to work closely with you in the future.”
Director, US Army Public Works Camp Arifjan, Kuwait
“I am very proud of what our teams have accomplished…I look forward to a better OE environment here in Kuwait.”
DHS, Office of infrastructure Protection
“Just after the water assessments were completed, the City of Phoenix saw the benefits and started working on their Transportation System.”
New York State Energy Research & Development Authority
“These products will be invaluable to New York as we prepare for, and respond to, system disruptions and should promote a better understanding of the role the public sector plays in enabling the private sector to restore the system to equilibrium in time of emergency.”