INL Resilience Optimization Center Resources
Our publications page showcases the latest in resilience research, breakthroughs, and its applications. Materials included cover a wide range of resilience and risk management topics. It contains research trends, additional research data, and the opportunity to learn more about resilience subject matter. Types of media include resilience-specific publications, newsletters, videos, white papers, and fact sheets.
Live Wire 2016


Wireless Research Capabilities

Electric Grid Security Capabilities

Microgrids and Backup Power Systems

INL’s Battery Test Center

Life Cycle Assessment
PyEmission is a Python library for estimating vehicular emissions and fuel consumption. This tool covers a range of light-duty motor vehicles including motorcycles, passenger cars, passenger trucks and light commercial trucks.
Supply Chain and Market Analysis
Dynamic Rare Earth Element Model (DREEM)
Woody Biomass Companion Markets Model (WOODCOM)
The objective of this work is to analyze the dynamics of biomass resource distribution across multiple industries under different conditions. To this end, we developed a simulation model that projects the volume and price dynamics between the biomass resource base (supply) and different demand industries including intermediate processing (i.e., mobilization) and end-use markets (traditional, companion, and biofuels).
Cobalt Copper Nickel Supply Chains Model (CoCuNi)
The CoCuNi (pronounced kokanee) model links global demand and supply of three intertwined materials: cobalt (Co), copper (Cu) and nickel (Ni), in a simulation market model with explicit consideration of electric vehicle (EV) and battery scenarios. By incorporating feedback between supply, demand, prices and capacity expansion, we quantify realistic production scenarios for both primary (mining) and secondary (recycling) sources.
Lithium Supply Analysis Model (LISA)
This model was developed to assess the viability of U.S. lithium supply from geothermal brine and the potential supply chain impact of extracting lithium from this source. This model links global lithium demand and supply considering different electric vehicle (EV) demand scenarios.
Publications & Patents
Display | Type | Year | Authors | Title | Information | Actual Link |
ShowResources | Book | 2022 | C. Rieger, R. Boring, B. Johnson, T. McJunkin | Resilient Control Architectures and Power Systems | IEEE Press Series on Power and Energy Systems | |
ShowResources | Journal Publication | 2022 | R. Mohammad, T. Mosier, T. Feinberg, T. McJunkin, L. Toba, L. Boire, L. Rodriguez-Garcia, M. Majidi, M. Parvania | Integrated water-power system resiliency quantification, challenge and opportunity | Energy Strategy Reviews, Volume 39, Jannuary 2022, 100796 | |
ShowResources | Journal Publication | 2021 | R. Fisher, C. Porod, S. Peterson | "Motivating Employees and Organizations to Adopt a Cybersecurity-Focused Culture" | Journal of Organizational Psychology Vol. 21(1) 2021 | |
ShowResources | Journal Publication | 2020 | R. Fisher, J. Wood, C. Porod, L. Greco | "Evaluating cyber risk reporting in US financial reports" | Cyber Security: A Peer-Reviewed Journal | |
ShowResources | 2020 | R. Fisher | "The Challenges of Cyber-Physical System Security" | govCIO Outlook | | |
ShowResources | Journal Publication | 2018 | A. Fekete, R. Fiedrich | "Urban Disaster Resilience and Security" | The Urban Book Series | |
ShowResources | 2018 | K. Hemsley, R. Fisher | History of Industrial Control System Cyber Incidents | | ||
ShowResources | 2018 | R. Edsall, H. Hembree | Novel capabilities for examining and summarizing hierarchical and geographic resiliency profiles | | ||
ShowResources | 2018 | R. Fisher, M. Norman, J. Peerenboom | Resilience History and Focus in the United States (January 2018) | | ||
ShowResources | 2018 | B. Vaagensmith, T. McJunkin, K. Vedros, J. Reeves, J. Wayment, L. Boire, C. Rieger, J. Case | An Integrated Approach to Improving Power Grid Reliability: Merging of Probabilistic Risk Assessment with Resilience Metrics | | ||
ShowResources | 2017 | R. Edsall, H. Hembree | Preparing the Next Cyber-Resilient Workforce through Cross-pollination Education | | ||
ShowResources | 2017 | R. Anderson, J. Benjamin, V. Wright, L. Quinones, J. Paz | Cyber-Informed Engineering | | ||
ShowResources | Journal Publication | 2017 | R. Fisher, M. Norman, M. Klett | "Enhancing infrastructure resilience through business continuity planning" | Journal of Business Continuity & Emergency Planning, Volume 11, Issue 2 | |
ShowResources | 2016 | Strategies, Protections, and Mitigations for the Electric Grid from Electromagnetic Pulse Effects | | |||
ShowResources | 2016 | Emilee Harris | Success in Industrial Control System Cyber Security Training | | ||
ShowResources | Journal Publication | 2015 | K. Davis, D. Knudson, J. Rempe, J. Crepeau, S. Solstad, | "Design and Laboratory Evaluation of Future Elongation and Diameter Measurements at the Advanced Test Reactor," | Nuclear Technology, Vol. 191, No. 1, July 2015, pp 92-105. | |
ShowResources | Peer Reviewed Conference Paper | 2015 | J. Daw, J. Rempe, J. Palmer, P. Ramuhalli, R. Montgomery, H-T. Chien, B. Tittmann, B. Reinhardt, and G. Kohse | "Ultrasonic Transducer Irradiation Test Results," | 9th International Conference on Nuclear Plant Instrumentation, Control & Human–Machine Interface Technologies (NPIC & HMIT 2015), Charlotte, NC, February 2015. | |
ShowResources | Patent | 2015 | Keith G. Condie, Joy L. Rempe, Darrell L. Knudson, Joshua E. Daw, S. Curtis Wilkins, Brandon S. Fox, and Heng Ban. | "Hot wire needle prove for thermal conductivity detection," | Patent 9,182,364 - US patent filed by Battelle Energy Alliance (IDR # BA-459) on behalf of DOE (Serial Number 13/648,502), | |
ShowResources | 2014 | Todd Vollmer, Milos Manic, Senior Member | Cyber-Physical System Security With Deceptive Virtual Hosts for Industrial Control Networks | | ||
ShowResources | 2014 | Wen-Chiao Lina, Kris R.E.Villez, Humberto E. Garcia | Experimental validation of a resilient monitoring and control system | | ||
ShowResources | 2014 | Craig Rieger | Resilient control systems Practical metrics basis for defining mission impact | | ||
ShowResources | Journal Publication | 2014 | T. Unruh, B. Chase, J. Rempe, D. Nigg, G. Imel, J. Harris, T. Sherman, J. Villard | "In-Core Flux Sensor Evaluations at the ATR Critical Facility," | Nuclear Technology, Vol. 187, No. 3, September 2014, pp 308-315. | |
ShowResources | Peer Reviewed Conference Paper | 2014 | B. Reinhardt, B. Tittmann, J. Rempe, J. Daw, G. Kohse, D. Carpenter, M. Ames, Y. Ostrovsky, P. Ramulhalli, and H. Chien, | "Progress towards Developing Neutron Tolerant Magnetostrictive and Piezoelectric Transducers," | 41st Annual Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation Conference, July 20-25, 2014, Boise Centre, Boise, Idaho. | |
ShowResources | Journal Publications | 2014 | H. Garcia, W. Lin, S. Meerkov, M. Ravichandran | Resilient Monitoring Systems: Architecture, Design and Application to Boiler/Turbine Plant | IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, Vol. 44, No. 11, November 2014. | |
ShowResources | Journal Publications | 2014 | W. Lin, K. Villez, H. Garcia, | “Experimental validation of a resilient monitoring and control system,” | Journal of Process Control, Vol. 24, Issue 5, May 2014, pp. 621-639. | |
ShowResources | Peer Reviewed Conference Paper | 2014 | W. Binder, C. Paredis, H. Garcia | “Hybrid Energy System Modeling in Modelica,” | 10th International Modelica Conference, Sweden, March 2014. | https://edmvaultprd/edm14w/24965/6241183.pdf |
ShowResources | Peer Reviewed Conference Paper | 2014 | W. Du, H. Garcia, C. Paredis, | “An Optimization Framework for Dynamic Hybrid Energy Systems,” | 10th International Modelica Conference 2014, Sweden, March 2014. | https://edmvaultprd/edm14w/25001/6250198.pdf |
ShowResources | Peer Reviewed Conference Paper | 2014 | W. Du, H. Garcia, W. Binder, C. Paredis, | “Value-Driven Design and Sensitivity Analysis of Hybrid Energy Systems Using Surrogate Modeling,” | 3rd International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Applications (ICRERA 2014), October 2014. | https://edmvaultprd/edm15h/25873/6468099.pdf |
ShowResources | Journal Publication | 2013 | J. Daw, J. Rempe, D. Knudson, | "Hot Wire Needle Probe for In - Reactor Thermal Conductivity Measurement," | Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 109 ; Part 1, p. 195, 2013. | |
ShowResources | Peer Reviewed Conference Paper | 2013 | J. Daw, J. Rempe, J. Palmer, P. Ramuhalli, R. Montgomery, H-T. Chien, B. Tittmann, B. Reinhardt, and G. Kohse, | "Irradiation Testing of Ultrasonic Transducers," | 2013 Conference on Advancements in Nuclear Instrumentation, Measurements Methods (ANIMMA 2013), June 23-27, 2013, Marseilles, France. | |
ShowResources | Peer Reviewed Conference Paper | 2013 | J. Rempe and D. Knudson | "Instrumentation Performance during the TMI-2 Accident," | 2013 Conference on Advancements in Nuclear Instrumentation, Measurements Methods (ANIMMA 2013), June 23-27, 2013 Marseilles, France. | https://edmvaultprd/edm13o/23122/5780325.pdf |
ShowResources | Peer Reviewed Conference Paper | 2013 | M. Reichenberger, T. Unruh, P. Ugorowski, | "Micro-Pocket Fission Detectors (MPFD) For Fuel Assembly Analysis," | International Conference on Environmental Remediation and Radioactive Waste Management (ICEM 2013), Brussels, Belgium, September 8-12, 2013. | |
ShowResources | Journal Publications | 2013 | W-C. Lin, H. Garcia, | “A diagnoser algorithm for anomaly detection in DEDS under partial and unreliable observations: characterization and inclusion in sensor configuration optimization,” | Discrete Event Dynamic Systems, Vol. 23, Issue 1, March 2013, pp. 61-91. | |
ShowResources | Peer Reviewed Conference Paper | 2013 | H. Garcia, W. Lin, S. Meerkov, M. Ravichandran, | Resilient Plant Monitoring System: Design, Analysis, and Performance Evaluation,” | 2013 IEEE 52nd Annual Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Italy, December 2013. | https://edmvaultprd/edm14h/23649/5912112.pdf |
ShowResources | 2012 | Craig G. Rieger, Quanyan Zhu,Tamer Basar 5th International Symposium on Resilient Control Systems | Agent-Based Cyber Control Strategy Design for Resilient Control Systems: Concepts, Architecture and Methodologies | | ||
ShowResources | Journal Publication | 2012 | J. Rempe, M. Farmer, M. Corradini, L. Ott, R. Gauntt, and D. Powers, | "Revisiting Insights from Three Mile Island Unit 2 Post-Accident Examinations and Evaluations in View of the Fukushima Daiichi Accident," | Nuclear Science and Engineering, 172, November 2012, pp 223-248. | |
ShowResources | Journal Publication | 2012 | B. Kim, J. Rempe, D. Knudson, K. Condie, and B. Sencer | "In-situ Creep Testing Capability for the Advanced Test Reactor," | Nuclear Technology, 179, 3, September 2012, pp 413-428. | |
ShowResources | Journal Publication | 2012 | B. Geslot, T. Unruh, P. Filliatre, C. Jammes, J. Di Salvo, S. Bréaud, J-F. Villard, | "Method to Calibrate Fission Chambers in Campbelling Mode" | IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 59, No. 4, pp 1377-1381, August 2012. | |
ShowResources | Journal Publication | 2012 | J. Rempe, D. Knudson, J. Daw, T. Unruh, B. Chase, and K. Davis | "Enhanced In-pile Instrumentation at the Advanced Test Reactor," | invited paper for ANIMMA 2011 Special Edition, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science,59, Issue 4, Part:2, August 2012, pp 1214 -1223. | |
ShowResources | Journal Publication | 2012 | J. Daw, J. Rempe, D. Knudson, and S. C. Wilkins, | "Hot Wire Needle Probe for In-Pile Thermal Conductivity Detection," | IEEE Sensors Journal,12, Issue 8, August 2012, pp 2554-2560. | |
ShowResources | Peer Reviewed Conference Paper | 2012 | J. Rempe, D. Knudson, J. Daw, T. Unruh, B. Chase, K. Davis, R. Schley, and S. Taylor, | "New Sensors for Irradiation Testing at Materials and Test Reactors," | IAEA Technical Meeting on In-Pile Testing and Instrumentation for Development of Generation-IV Fuels and Materials, 21-24 August 2012, Halden, Norway. | |
ShowResources | Peer Reviewed Conference Paper | 2012 | K. Davis, B. Chase, T. Unruh, D. Knudson, J. Rempe, H. Chichester, K. Sridharan | "Use of Silicon Carbide Monitors in ATR Irradiation Testing, | 8th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Plant Instrumentation, Control, and Human Machine Interface Technologies (NPIC&HMIT 2012), San Diego, CA, July 22-26, 2012. | |
ShowResources | Peer Reviewed Conference Paper | 2012 | K. Davis, D. Knudson, J. Daw, J. Rempe and A. Palmer, | "Melt Wire Sensors Available to Determine Peak Temperatures in ATR Irradiation Testing," | 8th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Plant Instrumentation, Control, and Human Machine Interface Technologies (NPIC&HMIT 2012), San Diego, CA, July 22-26, 2012. | |
ShowResources | Peer Reviewed Conference Paper | 2012 | J. Daw, J. Rempe, D. Knudson, T. Unruh, B. Chase, and K. Davis, | "Temperature Monitoring Options Available at the Idaho National Laboratory Advanced Test Reactor," | Proceedings of the 9th International Temperature Symposium, Anaheim, CA, March 2012. | |
ShowResources | Peer Reviewed Conference Paper | 2012 | Crawford, A. L., | “Force Control and Nonlinear Master-Slave Force Profile to Manage an Admittance Type Multi-Fingered Haptic User Interface," | Proceedings of ISRCS 2012, Salt Lake City, UT, August, 2012. | |
ShowResources | Peer Reviewed Conference Paper | 2012 | Crawford, A. L., | “Nonlinear Force Profile Used to Increase the Performance of a Haptic User Interface for Teleoperating a Robotic Hand," | Proceedings of NPIC & HMIT, San Diego, CA, 2012. | |
ShowResources | Journal Publications | 2012 | A. Bakel, S. Bryan, K. Budlong-Sylvester, T. Burr, J. Damico, S. Demuth, M. Ehinger, H. Garcia, J. Howell, S. Johnson, J. Krebs, K. Myers, C. Orton, M. Thomas, | “Roles for Process Monitoring in Nuclear Safeguards at Aqueous Reprocessing Plants,” | Journal of Nuclear Materials Management, Vol. 40, Issue 2, January 2012. | |
ShowResources | Peer Reviewed Conference Paper | 2012 | H. Garcia, W-C. Lin, S. Meerkov, | “A Resilient Condition Assessment Monitoring System,” 5th International Symposium on Resilient Control Systems, | Salt Lake City, UT, August 2012. | https://edmvaultprd/edm12l/22236/5558897.pdf |
ShowResources | Peer Reviewed Conference Paper | 2012 | H. Garcia, W-C. Lin, R. Carlson, | “Evaluating Safeguards Benefits of Process Monitoring as compared with Nuclear Material Accountancy,” | INMM 53 Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, July 2012. | https://edmvaultprd/edm14w/25003/6250678.pdf |
ShowResources | Journal Publication | 2011 | B. Kim, J. Rempe, J-F Villard, and S. Solstad, | "Review of Instrumentation for Irradiation Testing of Fuels and Materials," | invited review paper, Nuclear Technology, 176, November 2011, pp 155-187. | |
ShowResources | Journal Publication | 2011 | B. Kim, J. Rempe, D. Knudson, K. Condie, and B. Sencer, | "An In-situ Creep Testing Capability for the Advanced Test Reactor," | submitted to Nuclear Technology, MS 10-58, accepted October 24, 2011. | |
ShowResources | Journal Publication | 2011 | J. Rempe, D. Knudson, K. Condie, J. Daw, and S. Wilkins, | "New Sensors for In-Pile Temperature Measurement at the Advanced Test Reactor National Scientific User Facility," | invited paper, NURETH13 Special Edition, Nuclear Technology, 175, September 2011. | |
ShowResources | Journal Publication | 2011 | J. Rempe, M. Meyer, D. Knudson, K. Condie, J. Daw, and S. Wilkins, | "ATR NSUF Instrumentation Enhancement Efforts", | invited paper, NPIC HMIT Special Edition, Nuclear Technology, 173, pp 66-77, January 2011. | |
ShowResources | Peer Reviewed Conference Paper | 2011 | J. Rempe, D. Knudson, J. Daw, T. Unruh, B. Chase, K. Condie, J. Palmer, and K. Davis, | "Enhanced In-pile Instrumentation at the Advanced Test Reactor," | Second International Conference on Advancements in Nuclear Instrumentation, Measurement Methods and their Applications (ANIMMA2011), Ghent, Belgium, June 2011. | https://edmvaultprd/edm11j/20104/5025970.pdf |
ShowResources | Patent | 2011 | Joy L. Rempe, Darrell L. Knudson, Joshua E. Daw, Keith G. Condie, and Carl M. Stoots. | "High Temperature In-Pile Elongation Measurements," | Patent 8,065,810 -US patent filed by Battelle Energy Alliance (IDR #BA-311) on behalf of DOE (Serial Number 12/419,916), | |
ShowResources | Patent | 2011 | Joy L. Rempe, Darrell L. Knudson, Keith G. Condie, and S. C. Wilkins. | "High Temperature Thermocouple Design and Fabrication," | Patent 7,871,198 -US patent filed by Battelle Energy Alliance (IDR #BA-142) on behalf of DOE (Serial Number 11/678,901), | |
ShowResources | Peer Reviewed Conference Paper | 2011 | K. Villez, V. Venkatasubramanian, H. Garcia, | “Supervisory control of a pilot-scale cooling loop,” | 4th International Symposium on Resilient Control Systems, Boise, ID, August 2011. | https://edmvaultprd/edm11m/20578/5144317.pdf |
ShowResources | 2010 | Craig G. Rieger | Notional Examples and Benchmark Aspects of a Resilient Control System | https://edmvaultprd/edm11m/20630/5157394.pdf | ||
ShowResources | Journal Publication | 2010 | B. Fox, H. Ban, J. Rempe, J. Daw, K. Condie, and D. Knudson | “In-Pile Thermal Conductivity Measurement Method for Nuclear Fuels, | | |
ShowResources | Journal Publication | 2010 | J. L. Rempe, D. L. Knudson, K. G. Condie, J. E. Daw, H. Ban, B. S. Fox, and G. E. Kohse, | New Sensors for the Advanced Test Reactor National Scientific User Facility | Invited paper for ANIMMA Special Edition, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 57, No.5, pp 2653-2661, October 2010. | |
ShowResources | Journal Publication | 2010 | M. Laurie, D. Magallon, J. Rempe, S. Wilkins, J. Pierre, C. Marquié, S. Eymery, and R. Morice | “Ultrasonic High Temperature Sensors: Past Experiments and Prospective for Future Use,” | International Journal of Thermophysics, 31 (8-9): 1417-1427 Special Issue, September 2010. | |
ShowResources | Journal Publication | 2010 | J. E. Daw, J. L. Rempe, and D. L. Knudson | “High-temperature Thermal Properties of Structural Materials Used in Light Water Reactor Vessels,” | ournal of Nuclear Materials, 401, p 65-70, June 2010. | |
ShowResources | Journal Publication | 2010 | J. L. Rempe, K. G. Condie, D. L. Knudson, and L. L. Snead | “Comparison Measurements of Silicon Carbide Temperature Monitors,” | IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 57, No. 3, June 2010. | |
ShowResources | Peer Reviewed Conference Paper | 2010 | J. Daw, J. Rempe, and S. Curtis Wilkins, | “Ultrasonic Thermometry for In-Pile Temperature Detection,” | 7th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Plant Instrumentation, Control, and Human Machine Interface Technologies (NPIC&HMIT 2010), Las Vegas, NV, November 7-11, 2010. | |
ShowResources | Peer Reviewed Conference Paper | 2010 | D. Knudson and J. Rempe, | “Recommendations for use of LVDTs in ATR High Temperature Irradiation Testing,” | 7th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Plant Instrumentation, Control, and Human Machine Interface Technologies (NPIC&HMIT 2010), Las Vegas, NV, November 7-11, 2010. | |
ShowResources | Peer Reviewed Conference Paper | 2010 | J. Daw, J. Rempe, K. Condie, D. Knudson, S. C. Wilkins, B. Fox, and H. Ban, | “Hot Wire Needle Probe for In-Pile Thermal Conductivity Detection,” | 7th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Plant Instrumentation, Control, and Human Machine Interface Technologies (NPIC&HMIT 2010), Las Vegas, NV, November 7-11, 2010. | |
ShowResources | Peer Reviewed Conference Paper | 2010 | Bong Goo Kim, Joy L. Rempe, Darrell L. Knudson, Keith G. Condie , and Bulent H. Sencer, | “Development of an In-situ Creep Testing Capability for the Advanced Test Reactor,” | 7th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Plant Instrumentation, Control, and Human Machine Interface Technologies (NPIC&HMIT 2010), Las Vegas, NV, November 7-11, 2010. | |
ShowResources | Peer Reviewed Conference Paper | 2010 | T. Unruh, J. Rempe, D. Nigg, P. Hart, G. Imel, J. Harris, and E. Bonebrake, | "Flux Sensor Evaluations at the ATR Critical Facility," | 7th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Plant Instrumentation, Control, and Human Machine Interface Technologies (NPIC&HMIT 2010), Las Vegas, NV, November 7-11, 2010. | |
ShowResources | Peer Reviewed Conference Paper | 2010 | M. Laurie, D. Magallon, J. Rempe, S. Wilkins, J. Pierre, C. Marquié , S. Eymery , and R. Morice, | “Ultrasonic High Temperature Sensors: Past Experiments and Prospective for Future Use,” | Joint International Symposium on Temperature, Humidity, and Moisture and Thermal Measurements in Industry and Science, Portorož, Slovenia, May 31 - June 4, 2010. | |
ShowResources | Journal Publications | 2010 | T. Bjornard, H. Garcia, W. Desmond, S. Demuth, | “Safeguarding and Protecting the Nuclear Fuel Cycle,” | Nuclear News, Vol. 53, November 2010, pp. 76-80. | |
ShowResources | Peer Reviewed Conference Paper | 2010 | H.E. Garcia, W. Lin, T. Yoo, | “Process Monitoring for Safeguards via Event Generation, Integration, and Interpretation,” | INMM 51st Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD, July 2010. | https://edmvaultprd/edm12a/20806/5201310.pdf |
ShowResources | 2009 | Stuart Walsh, Shane Cherry, Lyle Roybal | Critical Infrastructure Modeling: An Approach to Characterizing Interdependencies of Complex Networks & Control Systems | | ||
ShowResources | Journal Publication | 2009 | J. L. Rempe, D. L. Knudson, K. G. Condie, S. C. Wilkins, J. C. Crepeau, and J. E. Daw | “Options Extending the Applicability of High Temperature Irradiation Resistant Thermocouples,” | invited paper for NURETH12 Special Edition, Nuclear Technology. MS 08005, accepted May 2008, to be published July 2009. | |
ShowResources | Journal Publication | 2009 | J. L. Rempe, D. L. Knudson, K. G. Condie, S. C. Wilkins, J. C. Crepeau, and J. E. Daw | “Options Extending the Applicability of High Temperature Irradiation Resistant Thermocouples,” | invited paper for NURETH12 Special Edition, Nuclear Technology, 167, July 2009, pp 169-177. | |
ShowResources | Peer Reviewed Conference Paper | 2009 | J. Rempe, D. Knudson, K. Condie, J. Daw, and S. C. Wilkins, | “New Sensors for In-Pile Temperature Detection at the ATR NSUF,” | Proceedings of the 13th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal-Hydraulics (NURETH13), Kanazawa, Japan, October 2009. | |
ShowResources | Peer Reviewed Conference Paper | 2009 | J. Rempe, et. al., | "Instrumentation Enhancements for the Advanced Test Reactor National Scientific User Facility," | invited paper for NPIC HMIT Special Edition, Nuclear Technology, MS# 09052, accepted September 2009. | |
ShowResources | Peer Reviewed Conference Paper | 2009 | B. Fox, H. Ban, J. Rempe, J. Daw, K. Condie, D. Knudson, | "In-Pile Thermal Conductivity Measurement Method for Nuclear Fuels," | 30th International Thermal Conductivity Conference and 18th International Thermal Expansion Symposium, Pittsburgh, PA, August 29 - September 2, 2009 | |
ShowResources | Peer Reviewed Conference Paper | 2009 | J.L. Rempe, D.L. Knudson, K.G. Condie, S.C. Wilkins, J.C. Crepeau, J.E. Daw, | "Options Extending the Applicability of High Temperature Irradiation Resistant Thermocouples," | invited paper for NURETH12 Special Edition, Nuclear Technology, 167, July 2009, pp. 169-177. | |
ShowResources | Peer Reviewed Conference Paper | 2009 | J.L. Rempe, D.L. Knudson, K.G. Condie, J.E. Day, H. Ban, B. Fox, G.E. Kohse, | "New Sensors for the Advanced Test Reactor National Scientific User Facility," | invited paper, submitted to the IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, June 2009. | |
ShowResources | Peer Reviewed Conference Paper | 2009 | J. Rempe, D. Knudson, K. Condie, J. Daw, H. Ban, B. Fox, G.E. Kohse, S.C. Wilkins, | “New Sensors for In-Pile Testing at the ATR NSUF,” | Proceedings of the First International Conference on Advancements in Nuclear Instrumentation, Measurement Methods and their Applications (ANIMMA), Marseille, France, June 2009. | |
ShowResources | Peer Reviewed Conference Paper | 2009 | J. Rempe and M. Meyer, | “ATR NSUF Instrumentation Enhancement Efforts,” | Proceedings of the ANS NPIC HMIT 2009 Topical Meeting on Nuclear Plant Instrumentation, Controls, and Human Machine Interface Technology, Knoxville, TN, April 2009. | |
ShowResources | Peer Reviewed Conference Paper | 2009 | J. E. Daw, J. L. Rempe, D. L. Knudson, S. C. Wilkins, and J. C. Crepeau, | “High Temperature Irradiation-Resistant Thermocouple Performance Improvements,” | Proceedings of the ANS NPIC HMIT 2009 Topical Meeting on Nuclear Plant Instrumentation, Controls, and Human Machine Interface Technology, Knoxville, TN, April 2009. | |
ShowResources | Peer Reviewed Conference Paper | 2009 | D.L. Knudson and J.L. Rempe, | “LVDT Evaluations for ATR Irradiations,” | Proceedings of the ANS NPIC HMIT 2009 Topical Meeting on Nuclear Plant Instrumentation, Controls, and Human Machine Interface Technology, Knoxville, TN, April 2009. | |
ShowResources | Peer Reviewed Conference Paper | 2009 | B. Fox, H. Ban, J. Rempe, D. Knudson, and J. Daw, | “Development of an In-pile Technique for Fuel Thermal Conductivity Measurement,” | Proceedings of the ANS NPIC HMIT 2009 Topical Meeting on Nuclear Plant Instrumentation, Controls, and Human Machine Interface Technology, Knoxville, TN, April 2009. | |
ShowResources | Peer Reviewed Conference Paper | 2009 | W. Lin, H.E. Garcia, D. Thorsley, T. Yoo, | “Sequential Window Diagnosers for Discrete Event Systems under Unreliable Observations,” | 2009 American Control Conference, San Louis, MO. | |
ShowResources | Journal Publication | 2008 | J. E. Daw, J. L. Rempe, D. Knudson, S. C. Wilkins, and J. C. Crepeau, | “Extension Wire for High Temperature Irradiation Resistant Thermocouples,” | Measurement Science and Technology, 19, February 2008 (045206). | |
ShowResources | Journal Publication | 2008 | J. E. Daw, J. C. Crepeau, J. L. Rempe, S. C. Wilkins, D. Knudson, and K. G. Condie | “Initial Results from Investigations to Enhance the Performance of High Temperature Irradiation-Resistant Thermocouples,” | Journal of the Japanese Society of Mechanical Engineers (JSME) Journal of Power and Energy Systems, invited paper, 15th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE15) Special Edition , 2, No. 2, 2008, pp 854-863. | |
ShowResources | Journal Publication | 2008 | J. L. Rempe, K. Y. Suh, F. B. Cheung, and S. B. Kim, | “In-Vessel Retention of Molten Corium – Lessons Learned and Outstanding Issues,” | invited review paper, Nuclear Technology, 161, March 2008, pp 210-267. | |
ShowResources | Journal Publication | 2008 | J. L. Rempe, D. L. Knudson, J. E. Daw, and S. C. Wilkins | “Type C Thermocouple Performance at 1500 °C,” | ”Measurement Science and Technology, 19, September 2008 (115201). | |
ShowResources | Journal Publication | 2008 | J. E. Daw, J. L. Rempe, D. L. Knudson, and J. C. Crepeau | “Thermal Expansion Coefficient of Steels Used in LWR Vessels,” | | |
ShowResources | Journal Publication | 2008 | J. L. Rempe and D. L. Knudson | “High Temperature Thermal Properties for Metals used in LWR Vessels,” | Journal of Nuclear Materials, 372, January 2008, pp 350-357 | |
ShowResources | Peer Reviewed Conference Paper | 2008 | D.L. Knudson, J.L. Rempe, K.G. Condie, S.C. Wilkins, J.E. Daw, and J.C. Crepeau, | “High Temperature Irradiation Resistant Thermocouples – A Low Cost Sensor for In-Pile Testing at High Temperatures,” | Paper 8222, Proceeding of the 2008 International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP ’08), Anaheim, CA, June 8-12, 2008. | |
ShowResources | Peer Reviewed Conference Paper | 2008 | J. L. Rempe, D. L. Knudson, J. E. Daw, and J. C. Crepeau, | "High Temperature Thermal and Structural Material Properties for Metals used in LWR Vessels,” | Paper 8220, Proceeding of the 2008 International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP ’08), Anaheim, CA, June 8-12, 2008. | |
ShowResources | Journal Publications | 2008 | T. Yoo, H.E. Garcia, | “Event counting of partially-observed discrete-event systems with uniformly and nonuniformly bounded diagnosis delays,” | Journal of Discrete Event Dynamic Systems, ISSN: 0924-6703, 2008. | |
ShowResources | Journal Publications | 2008 | T. Yoo, H.E. Garcia, | “Diagnosis of behaviors of interest in partially-observed discrete-event systems,” | Journal of Systems & Control Letters, Vol. 57, Issue 12, 2008, pp. 1023-1029. | |
ShowResources | Peer Reviewed Conference Paper | 2008 | T. Yoo, H.E. Garcia, | “Stochastic event counter for discrete-event systems under unreliable observations,” | 2008 American Control Conference, June 2008, Seattle, WA, pp. 1145-1152. | |
ShowResources | Peer Reviewed Conference Paper | 2008 | D. Thorsley, T. Yoo, H.E. Garcia, | “Diagnosability of Stochastic Discrete Event Systems Under Unreliable Observations,” | 2008 American Control Conference, June 2008, Seattle, WA, pp. 1158-1165. | |
ShowResources | Peer Reviewed Conference Paper | 2007 | J.L. Rempe, D.L. Knudson, K.G. Condie, S.C. Wilkins, J.C. Crepeau, and J.E. Daw, | “Options to Increase the Applicability of High Temperature Irradiation Resistant Thermocouples,” | Paper 218, Proceedings of the 12th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal-Hydraulics (NURETH12), Pittsburgh, PA, September 30-October 4, 2007. | |
ShowResources | Peer Reviewed Conference Paper | 2007 | J.L. Rempe, D.L. Knudson, K.G. Condie, and S.C. Wilkins, “ | “Long Duration Performance of High Temperature Irradiation Resistant Thermocouples," | Proceedings of the 2007 International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP’07), Nice, France, May 13-18, 2007. | |
ShowResources | Peer Reviewed Conference Paper | 2007 | J.E. Daw, J.C. Crepeau, J.L. Rempe, S.C. Wilkins, D.L. Knudson, and K.G. Condie, | “Initial Results from Investigations to Enhance the Performance of High Temperature Irradiation-Resistant Thermocouples,” | 15th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE15) , Paper ICONE15-10842, Nagoya, Japan, April 2007. | |
ShowResources | Journal Publication | 2006 | J. L. Rempe, D. L. Knudson, K. G. Condie, and S. C. Wilkins, | “Thermocouples for High-Temperature In-Pile Testing,” | Nuclear Technology, 156, No. 3, December 2006, pp 320-331. | |
ShowResources | Peer Reviewed Conference Paper | 2006 | J. L. Rempe, D. L. Knudson, K. G. Condie, and S. C. Wilkins, | “Evaluation of Specialized Thermocouples for High-Temperature In-Pile Testing,” | Proceedings of the 2006 International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP’06), Reno, NV, June 4-8, 2006. | |
ShowResources | Journal Publication | 2005 | J. Rempe, K. Y. Suh, F. B. Cheung, and S. B. Kim, | “An Enhanced In-Vessel Core Catcher for Improving In-Vessel Retention Margins,” | invited paper, Nuclear Technology ( NURETH10 Special Edition), 152, No. 2, November 2005, 170-182. | |
ShowResources | Peer Reviewed Conference Paper | 2005 | J. Rempe, K. Y. Suh, F.B. Cheung, and S.-B. Kim, | “Insights from Investigations of In-Vessel Retention for High Power Reactors,” | Paper 142, Proceedings of the 11th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal-Hydraulics (NURETH-11), Popes Palace Conference Center, Avignon, France, October 2-6, 2005. | |
ShowResources | Peer Reviewed Conference Paper | 2005 | J. Rempe and S. C. Wilkins, | “High Temperature Thermocouples for In-Pile Applications,” | Paper 143, Proceedings of the 11th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal-Hydraulics (NURETH-11), Popes Palace Conference Center, Avignon, France, October 2-6, 2005. | |
ShowResources | Peer Reviewed Conference Paper | 2005 | J. L. Rempe, D. L. Knudson, K. G. Condie, F. B. Cheung, K. Y. Suh, and S. B. Kim, | “Increased Margin Associated with Options to Enhance In-Vessel Retention,” | 2005 International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP’05), Seoul, Korea, May 15-19, 2005. | |
ShowResources | Journal Publications | 2005 | H.E. Garcia, T. Yoo. 2005. | “Model-based detection of routing events in discrete flow networks,” | Automatica, Vol. 41, Issue 4, pp. 583-594. | |
ShowResources | Peer Reviewed Conference Paper | 2005 | H.E. Garcia, T. Yoo, | “Anomaly Detection via Optimal Symbolic Observation of Physical Processes,” | IAEA Int. Conference on Online Condition Monitoring, Knoxville, TN, 2005. | |
ShowResources | Peer Reviewed Conference Paper | 2005 | T. Yoo, H.E. Garcia | “New results on discrete-event counting under reliable and unreliable observation information,” | Proceedings of 2005 IEEE International Conference on Networking, Sensing and Control (ICNSC 2005), Tucson, AZ, 2005. | |
ShowResources | Journal Publication | 2004 | J. Rempe, D. Knudson, K. Condie, K. Y. Suh, F. B. Cheung, and S. B. Kim, | “Conceptual Design of an In-vessel Core Catcher,” | invited paper, Nuclear Engineering and Design (ICONE11 Special Edition), 230, 2004, 311-325. | |
ShowResources | Journal Publication | 2004 | D. Knudson, J. Rempe, et al. | “Late-phase Melt Conditions affecting the Potential for In-Vessel Retention in High Power Reactors,” | invited paper, Nuclear Engineering and Design (ICONE11 Special Edition), 230, 2004, 133-150 | |
ShowResources | Peer Reviewed Conference Paper | 2004 | J. Rempe, et al., | “In-Vessel Retention – Recent Efforts and Future Needs,” | Sixth International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics, Operations and Safety (NUTHOS6), Nara, JAPAN, October 4-8, 2004. | |
ShowResources | Peer Reviewed Conference Paper | 2004 | K. Condie, J. Rempe, D. Knudson, K. Y. Suh, F-B. Cheung, and S-B. Kim, | “Design and Evaluation of an Enhanced In-Vessel Core Catcher,” | Proceedings 2004 International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP ''04), Pittsburgh, PA, USA, June 13-17, 2004. | |
ShowResources | Peer Reviewed Conference Paper | 2004 | J. Rempe, et al., | “Materials Interaction Tests to Identify Base and Coating Materials for an Enhanced In-Vessel Core Catcher Design,” | Twelfth International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE12), Washington, DC, April 2004. |,.pdf |
ShowResources | Peer Reviewed Conference Paper | 2004 | H.E. Garcia, T. Yoo | “Option : a software package to design and implement optimized safeguards sensor configurations,” | 45th INMM Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, 2004. | |
ShowResources | Peer Reviewed Conference Paper | 2004 | H.E. Garcia, T. Yoo, | “A methodology for detecting routing events in discrete flow networks,” | 2004 American Control Conference, Boston, MA. | |
ShowResources | Peer Reviewed Conference Paper | 2004 | T. Yoo, H.E. Garcia, | “Event Diagnosis of Discrete-Event Systems with Uniformly and Nonuniformly Bounded Diagnosis Delays,” | 2004 American Control Conference, Boston, MA. | |
ShowResources | Peer Reviewed Conference Paper | 2003 | J. L. Rempe, et al., | “Development of an Enhanced In-Vessel Core Catcher for Improving In-Vessel Retention Margins,” | Tenth International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics (NURETH-10), Seoul, Korea, October 2003 | |
ShowResources | Journal Publications | 2003 | H.E. Garcia, R. Vilim, | “Integrating Physical Modeling, Neural Computing, and Statistical Analysis for Online Process Monitoring,” | Nuclear Technology, Vol. 141, No. 2, 2003. | |
ShowResources | Journal Publications | 2003 | S. Jiang, R. Kumar, H.E. Garcia, | “Optimal Sensor Selection for Discrete Event Systems with Partial Observation,” | IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol. 48, No. 3, 2003. | |
ShowResources | Journal Publications | 2003 | S. Jiang, R. Kumar, H.E. Garcia, | “Diagnosis of Repeated/Intermittent Failures in Discrete Event Systems,” | IEEE Transactions on Robotics & Automation, Vol. 19, No. 2, 2003. | |
ShowResources | Journal Publications | 2002 | H.E. Garcia, | “Proliferation Resistance of Advanced Sustainable Nuclear Fuel Cycles,” | Nuclear Plant Journal, Vol. 20, No. 1, 2002. | |
ShowResources | Patent | 2002 | “Statistically Qualified Neuro-Analytic Failure Detection Method and System,” | U.S. Patent #6,353,815, 2002. | |